Japan House London
Art direction / Design
Branding / Art direction / Print /
Signage / Web / Digital tools
Japan House is a facility established in London, São Paulo, and Los Angeles as a base for disseminating Japanese culture abroad, led by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It covers a wide range of fields including art, design, fashion, architecture, technology, and traditional crafts.
River was in charge of the art direction in London, handling a wide array of tasks including signage, website, brochures, graphics, photography, and video production.
Japan Houseは日本の外務省が主導して作られた、日本文化を海外に発信する拠点としてロンドン、サンパウロ、ロスアンジェルスの3箇所に作られた施設です。アート、デザイン、ファッション、建築、テクノロジー、伝統工芸などを幅広く網羅しています。

Creative direction: Kenya Hara
Art direction / Design: Ryuhei Nakadai (River)
Design (Digital signage): Morten Kantsoe