Damien Hirst
Art direction / Design
Editorial design
When the British contemporary artist Damien Hirst held his Schizophrenogenesis exhibition, we designed his accompanying art book. The objective was to create an unusual format that references the exhibition in its art direction and design. We created a casing for the book that sealed it like a pill – a theme that ran throughout the show. The signed limited edition was sold out as a collector’s item on its publication day despite its £250 price tag.
イギリス出身の世界的なコンテンポラリーアーティストDamien Hirstの展覧会Damien Hirst Schizophrenogenesis の書籍のアートディレクション、デザインを行いました。パッケージに入ったサイン入りのリミテッドエディションは1冊250ポンドにもかかわらず、即日完売となりました。

Client: Paul Stolper Gallery+Other Criteria
Art direction / Design: Ryuhei Nakadai (River)
Production: Fletcher Books